Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Just Another Beautiful Day In San Diego!

Just Another Beautiful Day In San Diego!
Today's temperature ... 74 degrees. The climate of San Diego is considered a Mediterranean climate. The weather forecast on TV is forcasted for the week. The difference between the high and the low of the high temperature and the low temperature for the week is maybe two degrees. The weather is beautiful ..... until the visitors from the Midwest are coming. This weekend we are expecting visitors who are disembarking on Saturday from a 15 day Hawaiian cruise. The weather forecast ..... RAIN starting on Thursday and on through Wednesday ..... the day they leave. We get so little rain and need it so badly but we could predict the weather by the schedule of visitors.
Today we are cleaning up from the weekend and holiday Santa Ana winds that brought much unwanted dust our way. This is much akin to a muck storm we previously experienced living in Willard Ohio. I really think this is much easier to clean up than muck. Notice the clouds starting to form in the sky. Rain tomorrow!
The brown mountainside is evidence left behind by the Witch fire. With a little rain and the sunshine, vegetation will soon cover the scars of the fire.

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