Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fifty Years Ago

Fifty Years Ago
For those of you old enough to remember back fifty years ago or remember being told of a happening fifty years ago I will share an article from The Smithsonian Magazine. Guess WHO!
"Treat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ like everybody else" one captain ordered when _ _ _ _ _ was drafted into the Army in 1958. So _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 23, scrubbed latrines and pulled kitchen patrol like other GI's.
Private _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , an exhibition at his mansion marks the 50Th anniversary of his humbling two year stint in the Army. Check out the fatigues, footlocker, ration cards and other Army mementos. Photographs and films show him getting a buzz cut, hanging out in the barracks and driving a tank. The exhibition closes March 2010.
People were expecting me to mess up, to goof up, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ said upon his honorable discharge in 1960. "They thought I couldn't take it, and I was determined to go to any limits to prove otherwise." Here is the answer!

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