Thursday, April 16, 2009

Foie Gras BANNED

Foie Gras BANNED
I read in the Food section of our newspaper Wednesday that it will be illegal to sell Foie Gras in the state of California in 2012. The animal activists are at it again. You may have seen the segment about one month ago where Sixty Minutes went to a farm in France where the geese were being raised for their liver. The farmer demonstrated how the geese are force fed. Since our Governor Arnie comes from Austria and Europeans do consume their share of foie gras, I thought it was interesting he caved in to this idea that the geese are being treated cruel.
A local restaurateur from France said he was raised on a farm where his mother raised the geese for foie gras. He said each day as she went to feed the geese they always came running to her. He didn't think they were treated cruel. However he did have the activists marching at his restaurant and he removed the foie gras from the menu.
The best foie gras I have ever eaten was on a Canadian island in Lake Erie that we visit. I hope the Canadians sell it as long as we visit as I do enjoy that food item.

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