Saturday, April 27, 2013

Kale Pesto

Kale Pesto
This is a recipe from our daughter Barbara.  Barbara made it and served it on ravioli.  The next evening it was served as a spread on crackers.  Barbara calls this recipe, "amazing".
Summary: Kale Pesto, ultra green, lemony and Parmesaned-up, is a kitchen workhorse. Never be without it!


1 bunch Lacintao kale (aka Tuscan, black, dinosaur or Cavolo Nero), about 12 ounces, *washed (see note below) and ribs removed
2 cloves raw garlic
½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil (I used Calolea  Olio Nuovo fresh pressed)
2 tablespoons Meyer lemon juice
Pinch of kosher salt
Black pepper, a few grinds


Kale Pesto in food processor on Shockingly Delicious 
  1. Place all ingredients in a food processor. Puree until pasty (pesto means paste) and well combined, 30-60 seconds.
  2. Scrape into a lidded container and store in the refrigerator until use.


Washing the kale:

Especially if you have picked it from your back yard, where aphids probably rule the roost, wash the kale under very hot water to dislodge the critters. This will also begin to soften it slightly, and it will turn bright-dark green.


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