Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Native San Dieagan

A Native San Diegan
On Monday my husband and I drove to downtown San Diego to a tourist spot called Old Town to enjoy lunch at our favorite Mexican Food Restaurant, La Pinata. Old Town is a restored park listed on The National Register of Historic Places and is where the City of San Diego was first settled. It was a cool day and we knew being so close to the ocean we had better dress a little warmer. The ocean temperature is fifty-seven at this time.
Across the isle from us sat a youthful girl in her early twenties. I knew from her attire she was native San Diegan. How do we tell? It is a distinguishable sight. It makes no difference how cold they describe the cooler temperatures meaning the low sixties and fifties, a native San Diegan never gives up wearing shorts. Click on the photo and see her fur lined vest and long sleeve sweater. Notice the bare legs and what she wears for shoes. This is "Native San Diegan"!


Jewels said...

I can see this in my native Orange County half-sisters when they come to Michigan...

Dine With Donna said...

It is always interesting!!!