Sunday, August 19, 2012

Homemade Potato Chips

Homemade Potato Chips Makes 1 large bowl of chips

3 medium russet potatoes

Oil baking spray

Sea salt or Baked Potato Chip seasoning, to taste

1. Slice the potatoes into very, very thin rounds using a porcelain slicer or mandoline (always use the guard!). I use the 1.3mm setting. Place the slices in a large bowl. Cover with cold water, swish and then drain.

2. Place the slices in a single layer on a towel, and then roll it up to lightly dry them. Keep the slices rolled up in the towel as you cook off batches to keep them from oxidizing and turning brown.

3. To microwave your chips, spray the potato slices with an oil baking spray and place in a single layer on a microwave safe plate (sprayed with a bit more baking spray). Cook on full power for 1 to 2 minutes. You'll likely need to do this in many small batches. Be careful when you remove the plate because it will be very hot.

4. To fry the chips, heat a pot of safflower or canola oil to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C), and fry the dried potato slices in small batches. Be careful not to over fill the pot, or your chips will stick together and have soggy spots. Fry for just a minute or two, flipping once, until they are a light golden brown and the oil bubbling calms. If there is still frantic bubbling going on, there is still moisture in the chips, and they will be soggy. Remove the chips with a slotted spoon, and place on a wire rack to drain.

4. Toss your crisp chips into a large bowl and sprinkle with salt or your seasoning, swirling and flipping to coat.

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