Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lotus of Lake Erie

The Swans With Their Cygnets Among The Lotus The Lone Lotus, A Thing Of Beauty Harbor's End Of East Harbor
Click on photos to enlarge
After mass today, my husband and I drove over to the edge of the harbor to view the Lotus in bloom. These non-native plants first appeared a few years ago. The beauty they share with those who love Lake Erie appears for about two weeks at the end of July. The season is much too short and their images are seen in the paintings of Lake Erie by so many artists and also photographers.


Anonymous said...

I do not think I ever saw a live lotus flower pic from somewhere in the US that I am used to.
This was a wonderful pictorial!

I used the first image
as my desktop background
Very lovely with the water.

We will be here when you get back!

Dine With Donna said...

I wished I would have taken the photos a little later in the day but I didn't think I should ask Don to take me back again for the same photo shoot. The brilliant sun was glaring on the water while I was at the harbor's edge. The lotus were so beautiful as they really are a delicate flower. I could have had a better photo of the swans as I had to also wait for my camera to get the settings and all that goes with digital photography. It is not always point and shoot. Thanks for your posting. Donna