
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Meet Uncle Bruce

Meet Uncle Bruce
Bruce is an uncle of our son-in-law Greg. We are all just one family so everyone calls him Uncle Bruce. Bruce a newly retired CPA who has always taken care of himself with daily exercise and diet has recently become a "Raw Foodie". Many of the theories behind this food preparation are exactly as I learned in my nursing program. As the body ages, the body secretes fewer digestive enzymes and our bodies receive fewer nutrients. Also, heat destroys the largest percentage of the food's nutritional value. For this reason nothing is ever heated beyond 110 degrees. So, there is never a meal that gets cold waiting for someone to arrive!!!
We were treated to a wonderful Gazpacho, and salad. Bruce fell off the wagon and ate some cooked food but states he is maybe just 80% Raw Foodie. Bruce was introduced to this concept about 9 months ago and it does have a period with the conversion.
Blend the following ingredients until smooth;
1/2 cup water
2 Tablespoons oliove oil
5 large ripe tomatoes
2 gloves garlic
5 to 7 dates (raisins work well too)
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon Celtic sea salt
1 bunch fresh basil
Cut the following vegetables into 1/4 inch cubes;
1 large avacado
1 medium bell pepper
5 sticks celery
1 small onion
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and sprinkle with chopped parsley.


  1. Why couldn't you make my picture look like a movie star? That is what the raw food should do for me. HA HA Bruce

  2. looks like you are having lots of fun. Wishing we were there!

  3. I heard Bruce served Anne an excellent cacao banana smoothie for lunch....maybe St Louis Bruce could share that recipe, it sounds good! The raw diet sounds very interesting...
