Friday, December 14, 2007

Flash Back Friday ..... Happy Birthday Brother Robert!

Happy Birthday Robert!
Today my brother Bob is Medicare ready! I will let you either guess his age or you can ask him! This portrait is the only portrait I have of myself as a young child and it is of my brother Bob and me. Since I was fourth in line and Bob was fifth, I am sure my mother had her hands full (especially with me!) I remember so vividly the day Mr. Heiser the local photographer came that early morning to the house to take this picture. I was approaching Kindergarten and I think my poor mother realized I did not have a portrait or the common term of that time a "Baby Picture". I was so excited to have my picture taken. We were getting ready for the shoot when brother Bob had just finished his breakfast and came into the living room. Mr. Heiser said lets do both of the children, that would be so cute. I can still hear that echo. Now I had picked out the dress I was wearing and I am sure in my mind of that time I thought I was quite the fashion statement (with high top shoes and all). A good mother kept high top shoes on her young children to strengthen their ankles as they were growing. In my mind I got a little upset with Mr. Heiser because that was supposed to be MY picture and anyhow Bob was wearing a little of his breakfast on his shirt. Today I am so happy that decision was not mine and I have that picture of a priceless brother. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB, you ole rascal!!!

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