Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The California Sandwich

The California Sandwich
Last week while grocery shopping I thought I would check the meat counter for an Easter ham. There was not one in the counter yet. Pork is not the usual offering here. Yes they do sell pork but in very limited cuts.
Beef is very available. The most common meats served and eaten in California are chicken breasts, fresh fish and seafood selections. If you are having a sandwich you will find the upscale restaurants serve turkey breast along with the usual beef selections, or the typical California sandwich which is an avocado, fresh buffalo mozzarella cheese, sprouts and maybe romaine lettuce. Californians are very health conscious. I attribute it to the fact the weather is always so beautiful and being outdoors allows one to be physically active. Exercise and diet make a healthy lifestyle.
The California Sandwich is a very healthy staple in many restaurants. It requires very few ingredients but is a great source of nutrients.
2 slices multi-grain bread
1 ball fresh mozzarella cheese
1 ripe avocado
mixed sprouts
salt and pepper and red pepper flakes
Halve the avocado and spread the avocado pulp onto a slice of the bread. Slice the ball of mozzarella cheese and arrange it over the spread avocado. Season with Salt and pepper. Add red pepper flakes if you wish. Arrange the sprouts in an even layer and top with remaining slice of bread.

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