Sunday, October 26, 2014

Spiced Pear Liqueur

Spiced Pear Liqueur
This liqueur turned out to be one of the, "you made this?" recipes.  I allowed mine recipe to steep 4 weeks.  Will make often!

A note about this recipe: homemade infusions are something of an inexact science. Your spices may be fresher; a higher proof spirit will lead to more flavor extraction. All of which to say is, check the progression of your pear project every day or two. Think you’ve got enough spice flavor? Take them out. Are you at peak pear intensity for your taste? Skip ahead to the straining step.

Homemade Spiced Pear Liqueur
2 Bosc or Bartlett pears, skin on, sliced into 
    wedges, core and seeds removed
2 ½ cups vodka (we used 80 proof vodka)
Peeled zest of 1/2 lemon (remove any of the 
   white pith, which will lead to bitter flavors.
2 whole cardamom pods
2 whole cloves
½ cup sugar
½ cup water
In a clean quart jar, add the pear wedges, lemon zest and whole spices, and top with vodka (add more to cover the pears if you need). Seal the jar and keep in a cool, dark place.

After 3 days, check the progression of the infusion and make any adjustments (see recipe note) and if it needs more time, reseal the jar and check again in a day or two.

When your infusion is almost ready (probably around 7 days), combine the sugar and water in a small saucepot and heat until the sugar dissolves, stirring occasionally. Let the sugar mixture cool, then add to the pear infusion. Reseal the jar and let the mixture rest for another day.  

Line a fine-grain strainer with two layers of cheesecloth and place it over a clean quart jar, then strain the pear infusion into the clean jar. Seal the jar with the strained infusion and let sit in a cool dark place until ready for use (either at home or to be re-bottled in clean jars as gifts.) 

The liqueur should conservatively last for around a month when stored in a cool, dark place. To make it last for up to three months, store it in the refrigerator.

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