Thursday, December 11, 2014

Cardamom Poached Chocolate Dipped Apricots

Cardamom Poached Chocolate 
Dipped Apricots
2 cups water
2 cups granulated sugar
12 cardamom pods, crushed
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 pound dried apricots
4 oz. white chocolate
4 oz. milk chocolate
2 oz. chopped white pistachios
Bring to a boil, water, granulated sugar, crushed cardamom pods, and ground cardamom, boil five minutes.  Lower heat and add apricots, simmer for 20 minutes until soft and infused with syrup.  Drain on a rack.
Melt chocolate in two separate pots over low heat.  Divide apricots into three portions.  With a dipping fork or skewer, dip one-third into milk chocolate, one-third into white chocolate and one-third into pistachios leaving a little piece of apricot uncovered. 

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