Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Dill Green Beans

Dill Green Beans
A family favorite of many years!
This is a photo of a gadget that has saved many hours of hand cutting french green beans.  I am not sure where I bought it probably 45 to 50 or more years ago.  I call it a life saver.  See "Notes" for source.

Dressing: Make ahead and chill
1/4 cup vinegar
2 tablespoons water
2/3 cup oil
Few drops of "Maggi"
Dill weed to taste
Green Beans, sliced lengthwise in a french cut
Bacon, diced and fried crisp
Onion, diced fine


Dressing: Make ahead and Chill.
Steam beans salted,  just to slightly soften but not to loose the "crunch".
Dice bacon fine and fry to crisp. Blot with paper towel to remove excess rendered fat.
Saute onion in bacon fat and place on paper towel to remove excess rendered fat.
Combine dressing with salad and chill at least 1/2 hour prior to serving.

The dressing keeps well in a sealed jar!

Notes:  I tried using frozen french cut green beans ONCE!  They remain water logged as opposed to steamed just to the point of a mild crunch.   Frozen beans do not absorb the flavor of the vinaigrette.  I prefer to add the bacon just befor adding the dressing.

I googled Bean Frencher and viola!  On sale for $15.00 reduced from $24.99.  The Sausage Maker, 1500 Clinton St.  Bldg. 123,  Buffalo, NY  14206  Ph. 1-716-265- 3128.

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