Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Lazarus Chicken Salad


                      Lazarus Chicken Salad

TUESDAY, MAY 29, 2007
"Lazarus" was a large Department Store in Ohio famous for the Chicken Salad served in their restaurant. The recipe continues to be one of the most sought recipes on my blog.

1 quart cubed cooked chicken breast
1 quart diced celery
1 pint pecans, roasted and salted
1 pint chicken salad dressing

Add 1 part cooked dressing to 3 parts mayonnaise.
Cooked dressing:
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
teaspoons dry mustard
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon paprika
2 cups milk
1 cup heated vinegar
1/4 cup egg yolks
Mix dry ingredients together. Add to milk and cook in double boiler until flour is thoroughly mixed. 

Add heated vinegar and continue to cook for 10 minutes. 

Beat egg yolks and add a small amount of the cooked mixture to the yolks and mix well to prevent curdling of yolks. 

Cook an additional 10 minutes. Chill. Makes 1 quart of mix.

*Unless you need 3 quarts of chicken salad, divide the recipes.  Dressing recipe will make 1 gallon.

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