Tuesday, March 15, 2022

No Bake Kit Kat Cheesecake

No Bake Kit-Kat Cheesecake
A delightful cheesecake starring a classic candy treat that everyone will love. Not only that, it is simple to make, there is no baking and it can be frozen for up to a week before serving. 
Butter for greasing
4 regular KitKat bars (73 g each), divided
7 graham cracker cookies or 1 cup (250 mL) crumbs
6 tbsp (90 mL) unsalted butter, melted

2 blocks (250 g each; 500 g total) cream cheese, softened
1 cup (250 mL) whipping cream, chilled
¼ cup (60 mL) sugar
2 tsp (10 mL) vanilla
1 tbsp (15 mL) orange zest
Chocolate Sauce (recipe follows)

Grease an 8-inch (20-cm) springform pan with butter and line the bottom with parchment paper.

Combine 2 KitKat bars, graham crackers and butter in a food processor and process until crumbly. Press into prepared pan.

Combine cream cheese, cream, sugar, vanilla and orange zest in a food processor and blend until thick and smooth, about 2 minutes.

Chop the remaining 2 bars and fold most of it into cream mixture leaving a few pieces for garnish. Spread over crust and freeze until firm, about 4 hours. This gives the cheesecake a better shape.

Run a thin knife around the edge and transfer cheesecake to a serving platter. Drizzle cheesecake with Chocolate Sauce. Garnish with reserved (plus additional, if desired) chopped KitKat. Allow to soften for 1 hour before serving. Refrigerate for up to 3 days.

Serves 8

A rich chocolate sauce that can be repurposed as a fondue dipping sauce if any is left.
½ cup (125 mL) cocoa powder
½ cup (125 mL) sugar
1 cup (250 mL) water
½ cup (125 mL) whipping cream
1 tsp (5 mL) vanilla
¼ tsp (1 mL) salt

Sift cocoa and sugar into a medium pot. Slowly add water to cocoa mixture while whisking. Bring mixture to a boil. Add cream, bring mixture back to a boil then reduce to medium and simmer, whisking often, until reduced to 1 cup (250 mL), about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and whisk in vanilla and salt. Cool slightly before serving with cheesecake.

Makes 1 cup (250 mL) sauce


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